Liking and Flagging Challenges
by .MapRoulette was designed to be an open, self-governing platform for OSM improvement tasks. This has worked well, but from time to time, changes are made in OSM based on MapRoulette tasks that were not clearly formulated, or the assumptions behind the task are wrong. On the other hand, we have Challenges in MapRoulette that are of exceptionally high quality and make for an enjoyable, meaningful OSM editing experience.
As a way for the community to express both these sentiments, I would like to introduce the option for mappers to flag and like Challenges. A Flag means that you, as a mapper, have come across a questionable OSM edit that was made based on a MapRoulette task that did not meet quality standards. A Like on the other hand lets you show appreciation for the hard work a Challenge creator has put into creating Tasks that are meaningful and fun to work on.
I opened issues for both these new features:
- Flag a Challenge on Github
- Like a Challenge on Github
Let me know what you think about these ideas and share how you would like to have them implemented on Github.