This is a guest post by Alex Iannicelli and Yunzhi Li from Facebook. Throughout the United States there are many places where railways intersect with highways to create “Level Crossings”. Representing these intersections in OSM correctly can improve renderings and routing algorithms. To help improve these intersections we recently created a MapRoulette challenge to verify level_crossing […]
“Water Geometry in Fairfield County (Connecticut)” is a challenge created by roptat, who resides in Connecticut, USA. Anyone can participate in this challenge as it requires only aerial imagery. The challenge’s goal is to improve the geometry of water features such as lakes and rivers that often cross other objects such as roads and buildings. […]
The highway=stop tag is the OSM representation for a stop sign like this: They are often placed on the intersection node of two ways, if there is a stop sign in all directions (a four-way stop). There are plenty of situations where the an intersection only has a stop sign in certain directions. In that […]