This post also appears on the MapRoulette Learn web site. You will find many more resources there to get the most out of MapRoulette, including how-tos, screencasts and reference documentation. Overpass is a powerful query language for OSM. You can ask it things like “Show me all water fountains in Rome” or “Show me banks […]
Did you know that MapRoulette started out as The OpenStreetMap US Remap-A-Thon? There was only one Challenge: to repair the road network in the United States after OpenStreetMap changed its data license from Creative Commons to the Open Database License. Mapping data from contributors who did not agree to this change, or could not be […]
The highway=stop tag is the OSM representation for a stop sign like this: They are often placed on the intersection node of two ways, if there is a stop sign in all directions (a four-way stop). There are plenty of situations where the an intersection only has a stop sign in certain directions. In that […]
Most MapRoulette tasks are designed to be easy to fix, but a lot depends on the person who designed the Challenge you are working on, and the data that is available to fix the task. For example, there may not be good enough quality aerial imagery available at the task location, making it impossible to […]
OSMCha is a well known OSM changeset inspection and validation tool. It lets you look at changesets through different lenses. You can filter by individual mappers, geographic locations, mapping teams, and a variety of flags that are automatically applied to changesets, like ‘possible import’, ‘profanity’ and ‘outdated tags’. Using a combination of filters, you can […]